The love life of Hadrian Roman Emperor

As per History Augustus, Hadrian shows a solid tendency for ladies and young fellows. He likewise keeps a pederastic relationship: his affection for Antinoüs (or Antinoos), a young fellow from Bithynia, is popular. Yet, in 130, Antinoüs suffocated in the Nile in baffling conditions. Hadrian has it addressed ordinarily in sculptures, some of which have come down to us and permit us to give a face to the well known Bithynian. In 130, he additionally established, in his honor, the city of Antinoe in Egypt. This relationship filled in as a contention to his foes. The history specialist Sextus Aurelius Victor (passed on later 390) writes in his Book of Caesars, part XIV, almost 250 years after the fact, when the relations among men and ephebes become undesirable: "We (Hadrian) at last saw him searching for, with circumspect concern, every one of the refinements of extravagance and joy. From that point on 1,000 reports circled to his disgrace: he was blamed for having vilified the honor of youngsters, of having consumed for Antinous with an unnatural energy: that was, it was said, the main thought process in which he had given the name of this juvenile to a town he had established; it was therefore that he had raised sculptures to this top pick ".


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