Base of the statue of Volubilis Aemilia, daughter of Decimus Sextinus Vinensis, Flamenica bis

 Latina:  : Aemiliae / D(ecimi) fil(iae) Sextinae / Viennensi bis flaminicae / ordo Volubilitanorum / ob eximiam eius probitatem et ma/riti sui Nammi Materni praef(ecti) cohor(tis) / Astur(um) et Callaecor(um ) merita locum / sepulchri inpensam funeris / statuam decrevit Nammius / Maternus contentus honore / inpens[am remisit s(ua) p(ecunia) pos]uit

Aemilia, daughter of Decimus Sextinus Viennensis, Flaminica bis, in the order of the Volubilitans, for his exceptional probity and the merit of his mother Nammi Materna, perfected cohorts of the Astures and Callaeci, merits a place. The burden of the grave Nammius decreed. A statue to Maternal, contented with the honor, he remitted the burden with his own money
The Volubilitans are in a safe place that comes to life in Fortuna. It is possible for your child to live, which can be attributed to good fortune and prospect. The name appears in Latin “volubilis”, which signifies “tournant” or “instable”.
Fortuna était the Roman day of chance, of fortune and of destiny. It also appears as the personification of the chance and a figure that shares the fortune without being partial. It also belongs to the Greek language style and it will come back to you on a street of fortune, a navigator’s nail, a corner of the earth or a bowl. The rooms are crocheted to the fact that Fortuna pouvait accords with the prospect, the fertility, the riches and the protection. The représentation of Fortuna's bandés est encore a figure I"importante in the number aspects of the Italian culture d'aujourd'hui, où the dichotomie fortuna/sfortuna (chance/malchance) is an important rôle in the old social life
It is important for us to note that your entry has no connection with Volubilitans, but it is placed in the Volubilitans' order, in the same Aemilia, the Decimus Sextinus Viennensis fill, which appears in the Flaminica.
The Flaminica is the flame dial, the name of Jupiter in the antique Roman religion. She participates in the sanctuary and the office of her son, Mary, and her association with her and her office are so vital that she works, it is necessary to replace her functions. It also includes the links from the rituals
The astures and calls include those of people who usually use the peninsula before and after the Roman period. The Astures are live in the North-East of Spain, in the regions that actuelles in the Asturies and in the Galice, and that the Callaeci are live in the Nord-Ouest of Portugal and in the regions of the Galice and the Galice. 'Espagne. Many people have the opportunity to resist the domination of Rome and many more rebels against the Romans.
Jupiter comes to life in antique Roman mythology. He brought mortels and die, and they were placed on the terre and the cage. Jupiter is the origin of the food, the tonner and the city, and it is associated with the prices of the most beautiful places in the world. Jupiter has brought about the death of the government and justice, and it has been reprised with a scepter and a clearer.


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