
Inscription punique

MOROCCO   VOLUBILIS  Découverte en surface dans le secteur du Tumulus.  Fin du 2ème siècle avant J.C Calcaire  Stèle funéraire portant un motif identifié à un bouclier.  Il ne subsiste de l'inscription que les deux dernières lignes  :   《 Stèle qu'a voué [....] fils de [.....] le suffète qu'est mort dans une vieillesse heureuse à l'âge de 90 ans.  Il est originaire de QFGWD》.

How was Rome founded?

Ancient Rome began as a settlement, usually from 753 BC, beside the Tiber River on the Italian peninsula. The settlement developed into the city and country of Rome , and it controlled its neighbors through a combination of deals and military power. It finally overshadowed the Italian outcrop, and bought a domain that captured much of Europe and the countries that included the Mediterranean. It was among the largest empires in the ancient world, with an expected 50 to 90 million inhabitants, generally 20% of the total population at that point. It covered about 1.9 million square miles when it expanded in the year 117 . The Roman state evolved from an elected monarchy to a classic democratic republic and then to an increasingly semi-elected military dictatorship over the course of the field. Through conquest and cultural and linguistic assimilation, it held in place the coast of North Africa, Egypt, southern Europe, most of Western Europe, the Balkans, Crimea, much of the Middle...

What do the letters engraved on the coins of the Roman Empire mean and how do we know them?

What do the letters engraved on the coins of the Roman Empire mean and how do we know them? In addition to the name of the emperor, ancient Roman coins were often included in their titles, and their words are short and these abbreviations have a strong regularity, after mastering the following twenty abbreviations, and then recognizing the names of the emperors, almost all of questions. Here we are trying to understand and know these acronyms SC These are the most common letters The value of the name of the emperor in the copper coin of the Roman Empire is higher than its metal value, which is different from silver and gold coins. Its value is guaranteed by order of the Senate Senatus Consulto or SC. Almost all copper coins made before the late 3rd century AD have the letters "SC" on the reverse. The letters SC on these coins have only slight differences in size and weight, and few changes in other coins. There is no SC on the Roman Bronze Medal, coin...


AVG meaning : AUGVSTVS , AVGVSTA = emperor, empress AVGG : AVGVSTORVM = emperors (plural genitive) CAES : CAESAR = emperor COS : CONSVL = consul D: DIVVS , DIVA = deified DAC, DAC CAP = who defeated the Dacians for the first and Dacie captive for the second F: FILIVS = son FIL: FILIA = daughter GER : GERMANICVS = winner of the Germans IMP: IMPERATOR = victorious general P M : PONTIFEX MAXIMVS = grand pontiff P P: PATER PATRIAE = father of the homeland S C : SENATVS CONSVLTO = by decree of the senate TR P : TRIBVNICIA POTESTAS = tributary power, renewed every year SPQR: SENATVS POPULI = the senate and the people of Rome

The love life of Hadrian Roman Emperor

As per History Augustus, Hadrian shows a solid tendency for ladies and young fellows. He likewise keeps a pederastic relationship: his affection for Antinoüs (or Antinoos), a young fellow from Bithynia, is popular. Yet, in 130, Antinoüs suffocated in the Nile in baffling conditions. Hadrian has it addressed ordinarily in sculptures, some of which have come down to us and permit us to give a face to the well known Bithynian. In 130, he additionally established, in his honor, the city of Antinoe in Egypt. This relationship filled in as a contention to his foes. The history specialist Sextus Aurelius Victor (passed on later 390) writes in his Book of Caesars, part XIV, almost 250 years after the fact, when the relations among men and ephebes become undesirable: "We (Hadrian) at last saw him searching for, with circumspect concern, every one of the refinements of extravagance and joy. From that point on 1,000 reports circled to his disgrace: he was blamed for having vilified the hon...


Marcus Aurelius  in Latin: Marcus Aurelius Antoninus is a sovereign, indifferent rationalist and Roman author conceived April 26, 121 in Rome and passed on Walk 17, 180 in Sirmione (as per Tertullian) or in Vindobona. He is the remainder of the rulers known as the "Five Great Sovereigns" and the last Head of Pax Romana, a period of relative harmony and solidness for the Roman Realm. He was Roman diplomat in 140 , 145 and 161 . Marcus Aurelius was brought into the world during the rule of Hadrian . He is the child of praetor Marcus Annius Verus and beneficiary Domitia Lucilla Minor. His dad passed on when he was as yet a kid and Marcus Aurelius was raised by his mom and his granddads. Later the passing of Hadrian's taken on child, Lucius Aelius, in 138 , the sovereign embraced Marcus Aurelius' uncle, Antoninus Pius, as his new beneficiary. Antoninus thusly embraces Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Aurelius Verus, the child of Aelius. Hadrian kicked the bucket that year...

Hadrian Æ As. Rome, AD 125-127. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS

Publius Aelius Hadrianus , known as Hadrian (Imperator Cæsar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus, in Latin), conceived January 24, 76 in Italica (close to Seville) and kicked the bucket July 10, 138 in Baïes, is a Roman ruler of the Antonine tradition. He succeeded Trajan in 117 and reigned until his demise in 138. Educated ruler, artist and scholar with a tranquil standing, he broke with the expansionist approach of his archetype, endeavoring to placate and officially structure the Domain, advance by solidifying once in a while permeable lines The primary sources on his daily routine and rule are the Experiences of the Caesars by Congressperson Marius Maximus and the Historical backdrop of Rome by Dion Cassius. Both composed toward the start of the third century, roughly a century later the rule of Hadrian. The main work, composed after the Existence of the Twelve Caesars by Suetonius, has now vanished; it is extensively taken up, in an exceptionally dense structure, by the Existence of...